Emanuele Guidotti

Emanuele Guidotti

Postdoctoral Researcher

USI Lugano


I am postdoctoral researcher with the Institute of Finance at USI Lugano.

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Recent Publications

(2024). Efficient Estimation of Bid-Ask Spreads from Open, High, Low, and Close Prices. Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 161, pag. 103916.


(2022). calculus: High Dimensional Numerical and Symbolic Calculus in R. Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 104(5), pag. 1–37.

PDF DOI Cite Website GitHub CRAN

(2022). A worldwide epidemiological database for COVID-19 at fine-grained spatial resolution. Scientific Data, vol. 9(1), pag. 1-7. Nature Publishing Group.

PDF DOI Cite Data Website GitHub CRAN PyPI

Recent & Upcoming Talks

Institute for Mathematical Statistics - Asia-Pacific Rim Meeting (IMS-APRM)
Seminar at EPFL, Swiss Finance Institute
Seminar at Linköping University, Machine Learning Series (IDA)

Grants & Awards

Awarded to enable performance tests on GPU for the paper Text Classification with Born’s Rule
Awarded to support the maintainance of COVID-19 Data Hub
Awarded to support the development of COVID-19 Data Hub